Saturday, June 27, 2009

Social networks

Julie- on Social networks (cell phones)


I'm very impressed by your last entry. I can't believe how far we have gotten with cell phone use. I think in America we will go in the same direction than Korea, but I personally feel that American are so afraid of identity theft and other related issues.

I see many advantages and wonderful things that cell phones are doing in education. I am extremely impressed that Korea school system are using them to take attendance. wow. What's next?

One disadvantages that I see among students is how cell phones is an avoidance or shield device.

Let me explain. As much as the cell phone helps to keep people connected, it also allow avoidance among each other. Have you ever being in a situation in which you don't want to talk to a person and you pretend you are busy on the phone? Are you ever been online or waiting in the doctor's office and pretend you're making important phone calls?

A few years ago, we could "pretend" to make a phone call, now you don't have to. Cell phones like iphone have every single imaginable application that can keep a person "busy" while waiting online.

In my previous years as a student, I have see how many students avoid talking to one another or ignoring each other by "always" being answering their phone. IN general , I always think that technology and in this case cell phones are great tools. Yet it can become a blessings or curses in the life of a person.

A well known mantra says "tantum quantum." In other words, use it if it helps you or leave it. I wonder where is the balance.


  1. Abaez,

    Thanks for posting great comment. You are right. it is true that there are some disadvantage in wild developing technology in Korea and the maintaining balance is difficult to people. However, you might know that everything has advantages and disadvantage, merits and demerits, or strength and weakness.

    When I prepared a group presentation for the class last week, our group members thought that the Internet is the great tool for social network of education, but there must be disadvantages. Yes, we knew what disadvantages are as we said in the presentation. So, we should be the educator who try to keep the balance for children's or student's education in schools. If we were technologists, it would be easy that we try to spread out the only advantages for developing technology. However, we are not the technologists, but the educators.

    I bet that American deeply think of other related issues for not using like Korea. First time when I came in NY, I could not understand not to be able to use the cell-phone in the subway. Every Korean who just arrived in the United States might feel uncomfortable about that. As I have lived in NY for a few years, I realize that there is more important things, such as security, air noise, or other issues, than that just using the cell-phone in the subway.

    I know the United States is the advanced country in extensive fields, ranging from business and technology to education. So, many foreign students came in NY to learn those things. I think that both Korea and American have different values to develop each field. However, there is one thing that we can do in education field whether we are Korean or American. The thing is that we should try to find advantage of technology to use education field with the least damage. I believe that this is one of our significant responsibility as educators.

  2. Hi~
    This is Seung-Eun Han in your class.
    First of all, I need to thank you for all the information that you provided on your website.
    I love your website because it is such a well organized and professional.
    Your explanation of each page and the procedures were very useful. I learned a lot of things from your websites, especially "concrete music". And I really like the colorful decoration of your tech assignment page's table!
    Your homepages are just amazing, and again, thank you very much! ^^

  3. Hi~Alejandro~ I wrote about your website on my blog. Here is what I said:

    I bet he can have a part time job as a web designer. During three weeks, I could see he was trying to de his best. He must have sent with his computer for a long time to organize his website. I am posting the picture that I am impressed. I want to ask that how he could make the moving words in the bar?( and moving word,"welcome"). Also, I think he used the table effectively in his tech page. His website designed the exciting animation and well organized the each webpages using the table is enough to attract to people. It is one of the most important roles for the website. Also, his explanation could be the guideline for the students who are interested in the creating website.....
